Solar Light Waves

Massive Solar Waves came into our realm and washed over our bodies this morning causing an immediate rebalancing of the equilibrium while our whole bodies rocked back and forth ever so slightly until our New center axis was found.
There are new vibrational realities available to us in almost every split second.
When you feel such a wave come forth take several moments to sit in stillness and thank this new realm for all the opportunities it offers you.
These are fresh starts.
The Zero Points.
And they are happening often.
Many of you will be feeling these but if you are not yet then use multiple time points throughout your day to affirm your alignment with these Solar-Encoded New Earth energies.
Morning. Noon. And Night.
I AM Here in this Now moment to Accept and Act as My Highest Self.
I Choose to Assimilate the Encoded-Light of My Galactic Self to Be-come All That I AM.
My I AM Presence chooses to Accept and Integrate the Golden Rainbow Plasma Blasts Pouring in from Solaris and Our Great Central Sun.
I choose to Be-come more and more Aware and In-Tune with these incoming Waves of Pure Photonic Light so they may continue to Reveal my Full I Am Presence so I may Actualize this Sacred Divine Essence in this body, in this Here and Now and every Now moment going forth.
This I Choose.
With Eternal Love,
Meghan of the Rose
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