The Empath

The Empath
Growing up you may have been called overly sensitive, too emotional or even erratic.
You feel so deeply.
You feel everything.
How you react to being at the park is so immensely different to how you feel at the mall although depending on the day both may be too much to handle.
Your head hurts when you walk in a certain house.
Your stomach turns when that certain someone shows up at work.
You suddenly crash and become depressed when you were really having a good day, even a good week and beyond.
You have super radar, your spidey senses tingle off the wall, and your gut feeling has always been on point.
You are an Empath.
While I personally believe this is the most common psychic ability, and more often than not, the first one to develop, that does not mean that it is not an important gift to have, nor that one does not need to learn how to harness its potency.
Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
That sounds quite powerful, right? To truly and fully be able to be in someone else's shoes, especially a loved one, and understand the wounds that they are expressing and what has made them how they are is a gift of being able to see all of someone and their journey. To also to be able to share deeply in one's elation and joy, and not just send vague congratulations on your loved ones wins, is a superpower for sure.
But, their energy is still just that. Theirs. And while it is a gift to be able to pick up on others emotions and thoughts it is super important to own your own energetic system and create healthy and harmonious boundaries.
Now, what if you feel EVERYONE's wounds and EVERYONE's elation? What if heading out for simple errands seems like an attack on your body and brain as you are being blasted with hundreds if not thousands of other people's thought forms and emotional waves?
Having true empath abilities no longer seems like the gift it really is when you cannot control the level of what gets absorbed into your own frequency and your own tissues.
Our society and our schools have spent zero time educating on the energetic field that is the basis of all of creation and therefore we have had to scramble in an effort to catch up and to teach ourselves, and our children, of what we can truly do to begin controlling these extra-sensory abilities.
To start, you must become conscious of your own thoughts, emotions, and energy levels. Taking actual notes of your daily waves and ebbs can be a beneficial task when you are beginning to regain control of your own being. Grab your handy dandy notebook and record how you feel in the morning, afternoon, and evening. What is happening around you when your emotions ride a particular wave, whether low or high? Who is around you? Are you out in public? At home? At work? At a friend's or family house? Write out what emotions or thoughts came up during those times and during each transition you made during your day. If you were experiencing happy emotions before you walked into the store and yet started to feel sad when leaving, it is likely not stemming from your own mind, and noticing what belongs to you and what does not is crucial as you develop your skills.
This task alone will give you the immense power of taking conscious control of your energy. It's a simple act of realizing when an emotion like anger arises, what time, what you were thinking, who was around, and what may have you triggered you. This in and of itself is a healing act because you are no longer just letting these waves take the lead and go unnoticed, or possibly worse, just blaming them on yourself. By tracking them you acknowledge them and in this, you can begin to heal from them or guard against them if they are not yours.
Another crucial aspect of controlling and harnessing your empath abilities is becoming conscious of cultural or mass conditioning as well as non-human interference such as emf waves or non-benevolent programs from other beings. Our planet has been filled with harmful rays of discordant frequencies that are everywhere. From wifi to radio towers, to 'programming' like TVs and music, your eyes, ears and energetic system are constantly being bombarded by negative and disharmonious frequencies.
As an empath, you are not just picking up on human emotions. You can feel and are affected by ALL energy. If you notice a bit of road rage on the way home every day it likely could be the towers you pass each day, or the other travelers. Be sure to also take note on what is blasting out of your radio. Many people use music as a cathartic therapeutic experience and yet if your fav stations and bands are spewing lyrics about suffering, pain, and trauma, you may think you are getting out your frustrations in life out and yet you are subconsciously choosing to energetically and physically keep yourself in a negative loop cycle. You are allowing discordant energies to live inside of you. To double up on the impact that music and entertainment that is of a negative spin has upon you, like crime shows and horror movies, not only are you allowing those realities to be embedded again and again into your system but you are also listening to discordant frequencies and sitting in front of powerful discordant emf waves.
For several centuries now all of our music has been tuned to dissonant frequencies in a very subvert attempt to scramble our natural healing and original divine frequencies. This is why HZ frequencies, Solfeggio Tones, are so immensely healing because they are of the original and natural frequencies of the Earth and the Universe. They are a way that we can break free from the enslaved and controlled paradigms that have been embedded on humankind for eons now.
Check out this excerpt from
"The Solfeggio frequencies were lost because throughout history different tuning applications have been used. Ancient tuning practices used a system of tuning known as “Just Intonation.” The method of Just Intonation featured pure intervals between every note that were mathematically related by ratios of small whole numbers leading to a much purer sound.
The tuning practice adopted for western cultures from about the 16th century and used today is known as “Twelve-Tone Equal Temperament”. According to Joachim Ernst-Berendt, the 12-Tone Equal Temperament mistunes all consonant intervals except the octave. Our modern scale can create situations such ‘boxed-in’ thinking, stuffed and suppressed emotions, fear-based or lack consciousness, all of which then tend to manifest into physical symptoms called ‘dis-ease’ or disease.
Our modern day musical scale is out of sync when compared with the original Solfeggio scale. If we want to bring harmony in our lives, we need to replace the dissonant western scale with a web of subtle and clear intervallic relationships of the Solfeggio music. Let the music become once again a tool to raise human nature and a method to connect you with the Source."
In a nutshell, certain frequencies are universally harmonic and certain frequencies are, well, not. While the human ear can rarely hear the dissonance that comes from these unnatural frequencies, your cells very much react to them and this affects empaths in major ways.
You can combat this is by simply shutting off the radio and tv and replacing it with things like kundalini music, hz tracks found on youtube and elsewhere, audible books that inspire and lift you or search out artists that record their music in the proper frequencies.
Things like orgonite and emf protecting crystals can be lovely additions as well but when it really comes down to it, a black tourmaline necklace is by far not enough to combat the rampant discordant waves all around you, as well as inside you, from years of being exposed to negative wavelengths.
A powerful way to truly harness your own energetic strength, come back into balance and have your very cells experience harmonic frequencies is by learning to work with the proper frequencies of the Universe. This can be done through daily meditation to still the body and mind, and more potently by working with high-powered energies like the Frequency Codes or other Light Code systems. Your body remembers these Universal Codes and can easily synch with them activating your ability to both heal and strengthen your energy and physical body.
When your very structure is vibrating to frequencies such as peace, joy, harmony, balance, ease, and protection, then your system easily creates a powerful barrier to everyone and everything around you. You can literally watch somebody else rage around you, and come back with a calm expression as well as get to walk away unscathed by their detrimental energies.
If you're ready to expand and control your growing psychic abilities then email me or simply sign up below.
We start officially on 8/12 but there are eight pre-code bonuses that start your expansion the day you sign up.
I'm Meghan Rose, a Frequency Code Keeper, Teacher, and Master Healer who's been studying energy medicine for over 18 years. I see you. I'm here for you. Reach out to me.
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