The Integration

The Integration Period on Your Spiritual Path
The integration period that we all go through whilst on spiritual pathways is always something that needs to be talked about. There is intrinsic change happening within our very cells, and this ripples out into our thoughts and emotions and how we fit into the world all around us.
One of the most common experiences many face is the dual feeling of losing themselves, their old identity, that is, while simultaneously celebrating the New that has come forth and has been worked so hard on.
Nine times out of ten, you will realize that you are no longer the same person you were, but your surroundings haven't caught up yet. It often happens that the weeks, months, or even years of effort you've been putting in culminate in one massive activation. Your surroundings still look familiar to your outer senses, but you have changed your inner structure and are, therefore, having a hard time finding your place in this new.
You've been working towards this state of being for some time now, but no one could have prepared you for how quickly the shift arrived.
A Moment of Choice
You’ve Re-Coded your inner structure and Remembered more about your grand, limitless, and sacred soul, leaving you feeling uncertain about your physical reality. The question you're now faced with is simple yet truly important for further progress.
Where will you anchor your energy?
Your choice points are immensely sacred, not just little blips of going one way or another, refraining from old urges, or adopting new aligned habits. It's far easier to default to what you know. The paths your neural pathways have already carved out for you. But, you are being invited into something deeper. You are standing on the edge of a significant leap, but the question remains: Will you take it?
It’s tempting to retreat into old patterns, but what awaits you on the other side of this leap is far more aligned with your soul’s desires.
Even though this new energy feels unfamiliar, trust that by taking command of your decisions, you won’t need a net after you choose to leap. You will soar, even if you have to deal with a little turbulence from time to time. By anchoring into new, higher, and more harmonic realities, you invite deeper alignment into every aspect of your life.
How Will You Anchor This New Energy?
Now that you’re faced with this expansion, the next question to ask yourself is:
What will you do to make this new energy more real and tangible?
You’ve been calling in desires for some time. Your goals, your dreams, all those amazing manifestation goals of yours, they’ve been waiting patiently for this moment, and now, it’s time to embody them fully.
How can you embody the desires you’ve been claiming, even if your outer world hasn’t yet reflected them?
The key is to understand that the present moment is the transmitter of all future moments. Your presence in the now is what creates what comes next. Conversely, what you’re experiencing in this present moment is an echo of past transmissions. Knowing this, you can become more intentional with your energy, choosing to create new perceptions and patterns through both inner and outer work.
To Feel the New, You Must Be the New.
How to Embody the New Energy
Here's a super simple way to measure what was, where you're at, and where you really want to go.
Revisit Your Vision
Look through your journals, vision boards, or any other tools you’ve used to track your intentions, and identify the top three desires you’ve been working towards.
Are They Still Aligned?
You might find that you don't want a 5-bedroom house anymore with a giant yard and pool. You might know that living in more of a rural location, with a small home and a simple garden to tend to fits in more with your desire to be immersed in Mother Nature and have the freedom of time to create a sustainable life. Small, cozy, and wooded = a better fit for your soul than large, expensive to maintain, and tons of energy to upkeep.
Don't pass judgment on what you once thought you truly desired. Let it go, honor the new, and readjust accordingly.
Activate the Energy in Your Physical Life
How can you begin embodying those desires, even if the means to fully achieve them haven’t yet manifested? Ask yourself how you can bring these energies into your day-to-day life.
- Don't own land yet but really want to garden? Visit your local community plots, research the time commitment you'll need, and re-work your calendar accordingly.
- Always wanted to deepen your spiritual practice? Sign up for that qigong class.
- Been wanting fun dates with someone who shares your interests? Head to a local museum with your badass self and pack a small lunch for the nearby park.
- Seeking to express yourself more creatively? Start anchoring in your light language through art or journaling with pretty colored pens.
- Want to activate more of your gifts and not feel like you have to go it alone anymore? Say yes to that healing mentorship, even if it may feel stretchy.
By immersing your senses in new experiences and energies, you create the space for these intentions to anchor into your reality.
Your Integration: The Foundation for What Comes Next
To recap, you need to keep asking yourself:
What choices will I make?
How can you embody all the desires you've been calling in, even when your outer world feels unchanged?
One of the most important things you can do when creating new choices and set points in your life is to Remember that your presence in this now moment is the transmitter of all of your future moments.
Likewise, the present moment we're experiencing is a reflection of past transmissions echoing back to us.
With this understanding, you can continually choose to be more present in your energetic realities, consciously creating new perceptions through both inner and outer work. As you choose to act, feel, and embody how you ultimately want to live, you are doing the alchemical work required for outer changes to follow.
Happy Integrating, Embodying, and Actualizing my friend!
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