Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Level One and Two

All you have to do is say yes.

Show up and receive this amazing energy and it's yours forever.

Use it every day in any of the numerous and straightforward methods taught in my classes and it will change you.

It heals hearts, and minds, and bodies, and has a way of propelling you forward on a fast path towards your destiny.

Book Your Seat

Reiki in The Mainstream

The benefits of Reiki are becoming so widely known that over 800 U.S. hospitals employ Reiki treatments for many of their patients and specifically in cancer patient centers. It is that good at reducing stress, chronic pain, and a multitude of symptoms that come with having a dis-eased body.  

Extended Community

On top of the fantastic online experience you will enjoy, you also get support afterward. All of my students gain access to join a private student alumni facebook group where I am available for guidance after your class. I wish I would have had access to something like this when I took many of my various energy healing training. It is a digital support system, so you're not alone in the world with your shifts.

Peace for Everyone

By training in Usui/Holy Fire Reiki lll, you are gifting your whole self, and that of your friends, family, and your community the chance to come back into center and stillness again. You gain a fighting chance to restore balance to your system and rekindle the joy, vitality, and delight that comes from having a happy and whole body, mind, and spirit.

In your Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Level One Class You Will:



  • Learn a potent energy clearing technique for cleansing and protecting your own energy that is excellent to use on a daily basis to enable your auric field to stay clear from unwanted accumulated negative energy. 
  • Enjoy a deep level of inner healing as you journey to the Ocean of Holy Love Experience where students commonly experience interactions with Ascended Masters, heal past and current life wounds and traumas, and are purified and empowered into their new healing abilities. 
  • Dive deep into what Reiki is in the first place, how it differs from other forms of energy medicine, how it heals you and others in powerful ways, and a multitude of ways to use it in your every day life to witness true and lasting change. 
  • Learn about the different levels of Usui/Holy Fire Reiki that you can continue onto such as Level Two where you will be empowered by the first three Usui Symbols and Master Teacher Level where you receive both the Usui Master Symbol and the Holy Fire Reiki Triple Flame Symbol! 
  • Learn about your lineage of Reiki Masters who brought us modern day Reiki including Usui Sensei, Hayashi Sensei, Madama Takata, and how Holy Fire Reiki was born through William Rand. By studying in this lineage in my classes you are only six souls away from Sensei Usui himself! 
  • Learn how to perform a Holy Fire Reiki Gassho Meditation which can assist you in growing your skills and abilities every single day. Our Source is unlimted and so are you and the way that you can grow and experience Reiki in your life. 
  • Learn about the higher dimensional realities(called Heavens in Holy Fire Reiki and ways you can heal your life on a consistent basis and experience a more pure relationship with the Ascended Masters and your Guides. 
  • Receive your Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Level One Placement! This is similar, but so much more powerful, than the old attunement style of Reiki. The Holy Fire Reiki works with you in a personal and intimate way instead of having to be channeled through the teacher anymore and the effect is quite a new and potent form of healing and upleveled skills. By receiving this Placement you will experience right here in class how your healing perception and extra-sensory abilities move to the next level of awareness and heightened skill. 
  • Learn how to feel your own energy! You will learn and experience a method for scanning your own body and energy field that will assist you in detecting what areas of your body are asking for the most healing assistance in any given moment! This same method is what you can use for your future clients too!
  • Experience a full hands-on self-healing practice session where you learn the most effective hands positions to use when you're seeking a deep level of healing and alignment in your life.
  • Learn about the Power Symbol, the Emotional/Mental Symbol and the Distant Symbol so you can understand how Reiki is able to change it's essence when you are ready to move onto the Level Two class! 
You Can Now Train In Just Level One!

 In Your Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Level Two Class You Can Expect To:

  • Receive a Holy Love I Experience to Install Divine Love more clearly into your body forever
  • Learn the Level Two symbols including the Power Symbol, the Emotional/Mental Healing Symbol, and the Distant Symbol
  • Receive a Placement for Level Two activating the power of the symbols within you
  • Learn Japanese Reiki techniques including Gassho, Byosen Scanning, Kenyoku, Gyoshi-ho, and Enkaku Chiryo, and how to use these for self-healing
  • Have plenty of sacred practice time to learn all the hand positions to give a complete Reiki treatment
  • Practice with and without each symbol to gain experience on how each one flows differently
  • Gain a life-long skill that will change your life and give you the ability to start or increase your own sacred business
Have Your Level One Certificate Already? Click Here To Train In Level Two!

Choose Your Path

Usui/Holy Fire Reiki lll Level One and Two are enrolling for July 1st and 2nd. You can choose to enroll in just Level One at the time being and can find that link above. There are only 8 seats left to ensure that the energy and space are kept intimate and sacred. If you would like to ask any questions or would like a payment plan link please message me or email me at [email protected]


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